Home Energy Audits

The EnerGuide Rating System (ERS) is administered by Natural Resources Canada. It provides customized information about the energy performance of your existing home. This includes valuable information about the home’s total energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Middle-aged couple discussing home energy audit

An experienced Sun Ridge Energy Advisor is your best resource for both an accurate assessment of your homes energy use, and also for the best strategies to improve its overall efficiency.

Energy Ratings & Performance Testing

An experienced Sun Ridge Energy Advisor will conduct a complete on-site energy evaluation of your home. This includes documentation of interior geometry, air leakage test results, thermal envelope assemblies, window & door specifications, heating & cooling equipment, and ventilation systems. Thermographic imaging is often conducted at the same time to locate potential insulation voids or other issues.

This data is analysed with energy rating software, and an EnerGuide Rating System report is generated with details about the home’s unique energy consumption in Giga Joules (GJ).

This ERS rating scale also includes a comparison to the consumption of a similar style of house built to typical new home energy performance requirements. It allows homeowners to compare the energy performance of their existing home to the energy performance of a typical new home.

Recommendations & Consultation

Based on the results of the EnerGuide Rating System report and label, the homeowner will have the most accurate information for making decisions about potential upgrades.